Sunday, June 01, 2008

4Seasons Swap

I am working on the 4 Seasons Swap quilt. It is coming along fine. I changed the fabric I was going to use for the background, I am using it on the back of the quilt. I had actually purchased it for the back but thought it might work on the front but it just didn't have the punch I wanted.
I am trying a new technique and think it is coming out fine. I would explain more about it but can't really do that without giving out the concept of the quilt. I hope my partner likes the concept I have come up with for the summer theme.
I also spent the day looking for wallpaper. Oh how I long for the old days when you could just go into the paint and wallpaper store and purchase paper off the shelf. Not anymore, you have to look through books, make a decision, and wait for delivery. Don't they know I am a get it done now person. I hate this purchase and wait days we live in. I want it done and done now!!!!!
I will have the paper in 7-12 days then I will spend the week-end papering the bathroom. It will look nice when done, very blue, I know that.
Well back to the quilt and then on to dying my hair. Have a good evening. Dot


~Bren~ said...

That looks very interesting!!!! Can't wait to see what you are up to.

I am not happy about the looking through wallpaper books either. I loved running to Home Depot and having a HUGE selection to chose from!

Sweet P said...

I love the fabric you're using and can't wait to hear about the new technique.

Libby said...

Well, now you've piqued my interest . . . I can't wait to see more of your summer quilt and it's technique.

Lynda said...

I am intrigued with thenew technique and the hair colour! Can't wait to find out about both!