I know it will take time and I don't quilt with it every day. I work full time and do a lot of piecing. The mastering of the longarm will come with time.
I must say I am beginning to feel much better about my feathers. They still have a long way to go but I feel more comfortable with them now and don't fret as much as before.
My ruler work is improving but still has a ways to go. All in all I am improving and feel so much more comfortable with my machine each time I use it. I have had it for a few years now but at times it sits very idle. I usually wait until I have a few tops done before I quilt them, I guess I have to get to the point where I don't want anymore unquilted tops sitting around so I get to business and do the quilting. I don't like to accumulate unquilted tops. I now have four waiting but I should only count three because one needs applique before I can quilt it.
Well I best be getting in bed. Tomorrow is only a few minutes away. Good night to all. Dot
Well I think your quilting is looking great - methinks you may be being a bit too hard on yourself!
I think you are doing a fantastic job quilting this! You should be proud of the job you are doing!!
Your quilting looks fabulous. You should feel very proud of yourself.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Grrrr. My feeds did not update your blog for a little while. I had to catch up! I love your 4 ssq! Congrats to your daughter and new son in law!
The 4th of July Quilt is wonderful. Your longarm quilting looks perfect!
Oh I think you're much to hard on yourself. Your feathers look great - it all looks wonderful! Maybe what you see as imperfection is what makes it your own style? In any case, it looks great! :)
WOW! I am impressed! Your quilting looks wonderful! Really! It does! No one is harder on us, but ourselves! Give yourself a pat on the back!
Happy stitchings!
I think your quilting looks really great. If you ever need any "practice" tops, I would be glad to volunteer some of mine! It would be nice to have something 'professionally' quilted instead of struggling with it on my machine. : )
i love this quilt. i love how you used the stripes. great quilt for the 4th!
I keep telling myself the same thing. Seems like it's been forever though. I think my feathers are getting better and then I backslide. I just can't get my mind wrapped around what some people do with their longarms! I sure hope that someday comes someday!
Hello Dot,
Your quilt looks wonderful - I love the patriotic theme!!! Good job!
Thank you for your lovely comment on my quilt. I appreciate it.
The feathers look great! I don't have a longarm, but quilt by machine (usually) and think my work gets better and better. I'm sure yours will get even better!
The quilting sure looks excellent to me! I wish I could do feathers like that! I'm on a domestic machine but I can't get my stitch length even. Too short or too long.
Wow, it looks great to me. Isn't it rewarding to look at how far you've progressed and you can take pleasure in your growth?
Happy 4th.
It is gorgeous. I am dazzled.
n, np
Your Live Free or Die quilt is beautiful!!! I need to do something patriotic for my son who is in the Green Berets (Army Special Forces)! He just got selected so he has 1 1/2 yrs of training before he gets deployed.
I like it! I like it! I think your quilting is looking good. Keep up the good work.
~Lady Di (on vacation)
I think this quilt is so neat and while I respect your thoughts about your quilting - I happen to think it looks great and you're doing fabulous work!
Dot, your quilting looks amazing. Don't be so hard on yourself.
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