Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Slow Progress

Here is a picture of the progress on my 4th of July quilt. The picture is not the best but it gives you an idea. I will put the HST borders on the other side than I think I will do a red/white/ blue border and call it good. I like it but I don't know if I am really excited about it. Oh well, it will be done and that will be that. I might change the pinwheel in the corners to a snowball block. I think that might make it flow better. Not tonight though. I am off to make more HST.
Good evening to all. Dot


Gail said...

So clean and crisp! Nice job.

loulee said...

Took the words right out of my mouth Gail.

Myra said...

You've been busy! Your HAD looks wonderful! One of my quilting friends here followed Judy's lead on that quilt too! I think the photo of it is on my blog...?... can't remember!
You have some lovely quilts on your blog! Well done!
Thanks for your visit to my blog! 8-)
Happy stitchings!

Libby said...

It looks like it's ready for a parade and a picnic *s*

Anonymous said...

Hello Dot,

Nice! I love your pinwheels!!!

Can't wait to see your finished work.

Annie said...

I love pinwheel and that border is just fantastic!

: )

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I like it, I believe it's hard to tell how it will look until you get the pieced borders on all the sides! It's going to quilt up beautifully, too! Good goin'!

julieQ said...

I like it, so pretty. Wonderful top!