Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bears and quilts

Here is where my bears in the farmhouse is. I will wait for the next set of instructions, they come out next week. I have decided to name the quilt Bears in the Posies. More quilts from yesterdays quilt show. I think they are self explanatory. Hope you enjoy this little show.

May God Save America


Shelina said...

It is a beautiful quilt show Dot. Thanks for sharing. The one with all that blue sky and pinwheels? is really amazing.

Diane said...

Great pics. Good show. Thanks for sharing.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Thanks for the quilt show, one of the quilts reminds me of a Rebecca Barker painting. Love your Bears, it is cheerful and happy.

Anonymous said...

Love a good quilt show! Thanks for sharing!!

Lynda said...

Thanks for sharing these photos. The pinwheel one is so clever.

Wendy said...

Great to see the quilt show pictures - thanks for sharing! I love the colors of your bear in the posies.

Sweet P said...

I love your Bears in Posies quilt! The colors and fabrics are perfect. Thanks for the quilt show tour. I haven't been to a quilt show in a long time. I need to get to one soon.