Friday, April 24, 2009

Bears in the Posies

This quilt has actually been done for a couple weeks now but I finally got around to taking a picture of it. Here is my version of Judy L's "Bears in the farmhouse". I have renamed mine to Bears in the Posies because of the floral print. My fabric choices were not the best on this quilt. The bear toe nails totally take over the whole quilt but that is the way it is going to be. It really is a pretty quilt in real life. Now I wonder how long until I get around to quilting it. I have four others that need to be quilted also.
Here is a small quilt I made last month. This would be one of the reasons for the sl0wness of the Bears in the Posies. I had some fabric laying around and wanted to make this quilt for a while now and decided to go for it. It will be a charity quilt. Some one will love it.
I am off work today, that means housework, quilting, and lunch with a friend. I best be getting busy. Have a good day one and all.
May God Save America


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

They are lovely, both of them. I think a bear's toe nails should definitely be taken seriously! ;)

Shelina said...

They are both great - I especially like the HST one.

Anonymous said...

Both are wonderful!

Lynda said...

I agree that the photo doesn't make the best of the quilt - it IS a very pretty quilt!

Hedgehog said...

Love the toenails!

Elaine Adair said...

It may not look like BEARS, but it's bright and fresh and different, and best of all, FINISHED! It's very feminine. 8-)

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

I love your charity quilt and I am sure whomever gets it will be very happy with it! Bears in the Posies is a very fitting name for your floral bears! Cheers!