Sunday, July 15, 2012

Playing catch-up

Hours 11, 12, 13 and 14 completed.  I didn't get started until last night.  I have been busy,  looking for work, babysitting grandsons and trying to get healthy.  I have come down with a terrible cold and I just don't have any energy and I can't seem to stay awake for any length of time.  I keep hoping the next day will be better but so far no luck.  Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better.  I am happy I completed these hours on the quilt though.  I guess I will have to name this quilt "Always one step behind".

My mom will be having surgery later in the week so if I am better I plan to go be with her for a few days.  I don't want to go if I am not feeling well as I don't want to give anything to her.

Well, time to get some dinner done and take a nap.

May God Bless you and our country.


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