Monday, September 11, 2006


Let us all say a prayer today for our nation and the heros that selflessly give their lives for our freedoms. Five years ago today one of the most tragic events of our nation occurred. I think about this day often, I pray for the families and loved ones of those lost on this tragic day. The lives that were needlessly lost as we all went to work that day just like the day before. We live in a world were people will and do evil acts, but we also live in a world were there are so many acts of love and kindness. I choose to dwell on the acts of love and kindness but we can not turn a blind eye to the acts of evil. I am forever grateful to all our service personal, our firefighters, our policemen. They give so much, as do their families. This is a day that I truely will for the thr rest of my life proudly bear our Red, White, and Blue, a day when I will remember what it means to be an American, to love our freedoms and cherish every moment of my freedom. Evil people perputrated evil acts upon us and our nation, because of our freedoms, they took advantage of these very freedoms to cause terror to enter our minds and hearts. Let us not allow this evil. Let us be vigilant to keep our country free, our minds free of the fear they want to inflict on us. Let us stand united and proud to be American.

1 comment:

Finn said...

Hi Dot, neat posting..*VBS* Yes, I wish we could all find and have that peace in our respective valleys. It a hard day for many today, I'm afraid. Five years has done little to reassure us of our safety.
But through it all, there are so many good and kind people looking out for themselves and us too. Hugs, Finn