Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Gnomes in the house

I finished the gnome quilt. This is back of it. I had three extra blocks, didn't want them sitting around, so I encorporated them into the mesh-mash backing I pieced together.
Here us the front of the quilt. I used the HST you get from trimming the cornors on snowball blocks or any block that you sew a squae onto the cornor than trim. I did not square them up, I didn't want to take the time, so some a bit wacky, but I guess it adds to the charm of the quilt. I will donate this quilt to charity at the end of the year. It is child sized, to big to consider baby but not quite big enough for a twin bed, probably good for a 3-4 year old.
I am home today. My daughter went into labor 6 weeks early. I do think they miscalculated the due date, but I am not a doctor. Just heard from her, the contractions have slowed, they are letting things progress naturally, baby and mommy are doing fine so they want to let things progress on their own.
Please keep them in your prayers that all goes well. They are saying they would like to wait until Saturday before any type of intervention. That is unless baby decideds differently.
May God help us save this great country.


Elaine Adair said...

Toooooo cute! Especially the pinwheel sashing - what a great idea for a kids quilt!

Blessings and prayers go to you and new mother to be and baby.

Lynda said...

The gnome quilt looks gorgeous, and the slightly uneven HSTs look perfectly in keeping.

Mama Spark said...

OK, I adore this quilt! I'm a big kid, it could come and live at my house for my birthday tomorrow. Hey, maybe your new grandchild will be born on my birthday!! AWESOME!! I will keep them in prayers. Oh, let me know if you need my address, LOL.